(3)北京协和医学院,北京协和医学院 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,3332018054,先天性矫正型大动脉转位治疗策略探讨,2018年5月至2020年5月,15万元,结题,主持课题。
(1)Rui Liu; Shoujun Li; Jun Yan; Fuxia Yan; Kunjing Pang; Xu Wang; Shengshou Hu ; Fate of transposition of the great arteries with pulmonary stenosis after double-root translocation, Rastelli, and Réparation à l’Etage Ventriculaire, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2023, 166(4): 1189 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者 )
(2)Rui Liu; Kai Luo; Xinxin Chen; Kai Ma; Hao Zhang; Shoujun Li ; Can an operation provide superior outcomes for corrected transposition of the great arteries with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction? A multi-institutional study, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2023, 63(3) (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同第一作者 )
(3)Rui Liu; Kunjing Pang; Lu Rui; Benqing Zhang; Chao Wang; Shoujun Li ; Congenitally corrected transposition with left ventricular outflow obstruction and cardiac malposition: Oneand- a-half ventricular repair vs. Fontan pathway?, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2022, 9 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者 )
(4)Liu R; Pang K; Li S; Zhang B; Rui L; Lin Y; Wang C; Ma K ; The fate of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries unoperated before adulthoodh, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2021, 112(6): 2029-2037 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者 )
(5)Rui Liu; Lu Rui; Bengqing Zhang; Ye Lin; Shoujun Li; Zhongdong Hua ; Through Tricuspid Closure for Doubly Committed Subarterial Ventricular Septal Defect with Right Vertical Subaxillary Mini-incision: A Matched-Pair Analysis., Pediatr Cardiol., 2019, 40 (6): 1247-1252 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一第一作者 )
(1)刘锐 ; 复杂大动脉转位的双根部调转术指征和危险因素探讨, 中国心脏大会, 北京, 2018-8-2至2018-8-5 (会议报告)
(2)Liu Rui ; De Novo Cardiomyocytes Derive From Epicardium After Partial Surgical Resection of Neonatal Heart., Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium of the American-Heart-Association, Dallas, 2013-11-16至2013-11-20 (会议报告)
(3) 刘锐 ; 合并异位心的矫治型大动脉转位/左室流出道狭窄治疗策略:一个半心室矫治 vs. 单心室矫治, 中华医学会胸心血管外科青年医师论坛, 郑州, 2019-7-11至2019-7-13 (会议报告)
(4) 刘锐 ; The fate of Un-operated Adult CCTGA Patients: Outcome, therapeutic strategy and Risk analysis, 2019先心病论坛暨第四届阜外国际复杂先心病高峰论坛, 北京, 2019-11-28至2019-12-1 (会议报告)
(5) 刘锐 ; 无手术干预的矫正型大动脉转位患者成年后风险,治疗策略及转归, 中华医学会第十九次全国胸心血管外科学术会议, 武汉, 2019-12-19至2019-12-21 (会议报告)